An article recently published by the Col·legi d'Aparelladors, Arquitectes Tècnics i Enginyers d'Edificació de Barcelona and written by Cristina Arribas and Jordi Olivés mentions the Atlas of Innovation Districts, the Aretian report describing the 50 top Innovation Districts in the US. This article focuses on 22@, one of Barcelona’s top Innovation Districts, and describes how Innovation Districts can reshape, revitalize, and regenerate districts and communities, in Catalunya as well as Worldwide.
Read more about it here.

In this article, the authors depict the different impacts of Innovation Districts on communities, districts, cities, and metropolitan areas. They highlight the fact that an Innovation District must be carefully planned and designed in order to benefit all parties, from the communities to the institutions, and leave no one behind in the process.
This is actually one of Aretian’s goals; creating the best Innovation Districts possible by focusing on developing sustainable ecosystems of innovation that reinforce already existing advantages while improving weaker features in communities and cities. With inclusion and diversity in mind, each district hides an exceptional potential for success that can be brought forth with the right tools and methodologies. Aretian has indeed developed numerous methods, tools, and key performance indexes based on Complexity Science, Network Theory, and Machine Learning, in order to truly understand the complex urban systems that we inhabit and reshape them to nurture innovation and growth for their communities.
Innovation Districts answer many of today’s problems, be it on the side of the communities or the institutions, by fostering innovation as a solution to create inclusive economic and social growth. They are, however, very complex, and poorly designed Innovation Districts can create more problems than they solve. That is why this incredible urban tool must be used with care and expertise, two of the Aretian principles, in order to create a better world for everyone.