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Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Feb 20, 20242 min read
Aretian Masterplan projects in Esplugues and Badalona highlighted by La Vanguardia, the leading Barcelona Newspaper
In an article for Barcelona Global and La Vanguardia, Ramon Gras describes the process for the development of the new masterplan...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Dec 21, 20232 min read
Aretian Masterplan projects highlighted by La Vanguardia, the leading Barcelona Newspaper
Miquel Molina, journalist at the World-renowned newspaper La Vanguardia, depicts how Aretian represents an example of urban best practices.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Dec 15, 20232 min read
Read the profile of Jeremy Burke, Aretian Urban Analytics Co-founder!
Jeremy Burke describes how the Aretian method benefits the economic performance and the liveability for citizens...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Nov 30, 20232 min read
Aretian featured in a new documentary by the ICE and St James’s House about City Design, watch it!
New documentary and 5 short videos about Aretian, click here to learn more about what we do and how we improve cities and urbanism!

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Jul 20, 20232 min read
El Pais, the most influential Spanish-speaking newspaper, published an article about Aretian’s work
Ramon Gras, Aretian co-founder and Harvard researcher, was recently interviewed by Anatxu Zabalbeascoa, a journalist working for El Pais.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
May 31, 20232 min read
Ramon Gras was interviewed in the most influential Spanish-speaking newspaper in the world, El Pais
Ramon Gras Alomà was recently interviewed by Dani Cordero, an urban economy-focused journalist working at El País on the topic of Urbanism.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Jan 26, 20232 min read
Ramon Gras, Aretian co-founder and Harvard researcher, interviewed on the radio station RTVE-RNE
Ramon Gras Alomà, Aretian co-founder and Harvard researcher, gave a radio interview to RTVE, the leading public radio station in Spain.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Mar 10, 20221 min read
Ramon Gras, Aretian co-founder, participated in an event on Urbanism organized by BBVA in Madrid
BBVA invited Ramon Gras Alomà, Aretian Urban Analytics and Design co-founder, to speak at the event and share Aretian's urbanism knowledge.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Feb 24, 20222 min read
Ramon Gras, Aretian co-founder, interviewed by about Urbanism and its future
Ramon Gras Alomà, Aretian co-founder, was recently interviewed by the Collegi d'Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Catalunya on Urbanism

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Feb 14, 20221 min read
El Pais quoted Aretian insights in an article about future opportunities for Barcelona
The Aretian Urban Analytics and Design co-founder, Ramon Gras Alomà, was recently quoted in an article in El País, about Barcelona and...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Feb 3, 20221 min read
Ramon Gras in La Vanguardia: “L’urbanisme, galvanitzador de l’economia del coneixement”
Ramon Gras Alomà recently contributed an article to La Vanguardia. In this article, he explains how urban planning can improve economies...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Oct 15, 20211 min read
Ramon Gras invited to participate in the Reus Horizon 32 Strategy Plan event representing Aretian
Ramon Gras Alomà, Aretian Urban Analytics and Design co-founder, was invited to participate in the coming event, on November 12th...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Oct 6, 20212 min read
Ramon Gras of Aretian gave an interview to Barcelona Dema on the role of Innovation Districts
Ramon Gras Alomà was recently interviewed by the Barcelona Metropolitan Strategic Plan institution on the topic of Innovation Districts...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Jul 6, 20212 min read
Stockholm Tech Live interviews Aretian Co-Founder Ramon Gras
Stockholm Tech Live 2022, a conference held in Sweden about new technologies, and more particularly on AI, Big Data, Block Chain, Startups..

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
May 15, 20202 min read
Read the newest interview of Aretian's Ramon Gras by the CICCP
Ramon Gras Alomà, Co-Founder of Aretian and Harvard Researcher, recently gave an interview to the CICCP.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
May 11, 20201 min read
Ramon Gras Alomà on the new reality that we will find past the confinement caused by the COVID-19
Ramon Gras Alomà on the new reality that we will find past the confinement caused by the COVID-19

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Feb 7, 20202 min read
UrbanNext Interview: Jeremy Burke and Ramon Gras of Aretian at the Smart City Expo World Congress
Aretian’s Co-Founders, Jeremy Burke and Ramon Gras Alomà, gave an exclusive interview to UrbanNext architect and content editor Marta Bugés.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Dec 13, 20191 min read
Harvard Magazine interviewed Aretian's Co-Founders, Jeremy Burke and Ramon Gras. Check it out!
Interview of Aretian's co-founders by the Harvard Magazine

Oct 2, 20191 min read
Interview with Jeremy Burke published in Sante Fe New Mexican
"Could Santa Fe’s midtown campus become an innovation district?" Check out the rest of the interview here: https://www.santafenewmexican....
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