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Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Feb 24, 20222 min read
Ramon Gras, Aretian co-founder, interviewed by about Urbanism and its future
Ramon Gras Alomà, Aretian co-founder, was recently interviewed by the Collegi d'Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Catalunya on Urbanism

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Feb 14, 20221 min read
El Pais quoted Aretian insights in an article about future opportunities for Barcelona
The Aretian Urban Analytics and Design co-founder, Ramon Gras Alomà, was recently quoted in an article in El País, about Barcelona and...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Feb 3, 20221 min read
Ramon Gras in La Vanguardia: “L’urbanisme, galvanitzador de l’economia del coneixement”
Ramon Gras Alomà recently contributed an article to La Vanguardia. In this article, he explains how urban planning can improve economies...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Feb 2, 20222 min read
Aretian recently published an article in El Pais, a leading Spanish newspaper
The Aretian Urban Analytics and Design partners, Ramon Gras Alomà, Jeremy Burke and Fernando Yu, recently wrote an article for El País...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Nov 19, 20212 min read
Ramon Gras, Aretian co-founder, participated in the Reus Horitzo 32 Strategic Plan event last week
On the 12th of November, Ramon Gras Alomà, Aretian Urban Analytics and Design co-founder, participated in the Reus Horitzo 32 Strategic...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Nov 10, 20211 min read
Aretian was recently referenced in a paper by the European Commission on Geographies of Innovation
Aretian research was recently quoted in another scientific paper led by Fatime Hegyi (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission)...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Oct 15, 20211 min read
Ramon Gras invited to participate in the Reus Horizon 32 Strategy Plan event representing Aretian
Ramon Gras Alomà, Aretian Urban Analytics and Design co-founder, was invited to participate in the coming event, on November 12th...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Oct 6, 20212 min read
Ramon Gras of Aretian gave an interview to Barcelona Dema on the role of Innovation Districts
Ramon Gras Alomà was recently interviewed by the Barcelona Metropolitan Strategic Plan institution on the topic of Innovation Districts...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Sep 17, 20212 min read
Aretian leaders invited to contribute at the Berlin Business Talks organized by ACCIO and Diplocat
On Monday, September 13th, the Aretian Urban Analytics and Design leaders, Jeremy Burke and Ramon Gras Alomà contributed to a discussion...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
May 25, 20212 min read
Aretian leaders invited to contribute to shape the España 2050 vision by the Government
The Spanish Government introduced a long-term vision for the modernization of Spain endorsed by the European Union and Aretian was quoted

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Feb 24, 20212 min read
Aretian publishes an article at Funcas about the challenges of Cities and Innovation Districts
Aretian just published a paper: “The Challenge of Cities, Innovation Districts and Value Chains in the Era of Globalization and Automation"

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Dec 2, 20202 min read
Aretian was mentioned in Diari de Sabadell after conducting a project in the Sabadell Area!
Aretian was recently mentioned in the Catalan newspaper Diari de Sabadell after completing the ININVallès project.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Aug 14, 20202 min read
Aretian‘s Atlas of Innovation Districts was recently mentioned in the newspaper of CAATEEB!
An article recently published by the Col·legi d'Aparelladors, Arquitectes Tècnics i Enginyers d'Edificació de Barcelona mentions the Atlas!

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Jun 2, 20201 min read
Aretian was awarded the analysis of the PECT ININValles European Union-funded project in Sabadell!
retian was recently awarded the analysis of the PECT ININVallès European Union-funded Smart Specialization Project in Sabadell, Catalunya.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
May 28, 20202 min read
Aretian was recently mentioned in the Catalan Newspaper Diari Ara, read more about it here!
An article recently published in the Catalan Newspaper Diari Ara by Joan Torras Ragué mentions Aretian and describes with very good...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
May 15, 20202 min read
Read the newest interview of Aretian's Ramon Gras by the CICCP
Ramon Gras Alomà, Co-Founder of Aretian and Harvard Researcher, recently gave an interview to the CICCP.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
May 11, 20201 min read
Ramon Gras Alomà on the new reality that we will find past the confinement caused by the COVID-19
Ramon Gras Alomà on the new reality that we will find past the confinement caused by the COVID-19

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Mar 23, 20202 min read
Our newest article by Ramon Gras Alomà, published in La Vanguardia and Barcelona Global
La Vanguardia and Barcelona Global published an article by Ramon Gras Alomà, Co-founder of Aretian and Harvard Researcher.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Dec 10, 20191 min read
Read the Aretian Article by Jeremy Burke, Ramon Gras and Fernando Yu: “Catalonia at the Crossroads"
Catalonia at the Crossroads: Exploring Innovation Districts and Industrial Clusters in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area
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