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Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Jun 12, 20232 min read
UN-Habitat references Aretian’s work as good practices illuminating sustainable urban development
Aretian was recently featured in a publication by the United Nations -HABITAT and the AMB (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona).

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
May 31, 20232 min read
Ramon Gras was interviewed in the most influential Spanish-speaking newspaper in the world, El Pais
Ramon Gras Alomà was recently interviewed by Dani Cordero, an urban economy-focused journalist working at El País on the topic of Urbanism.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
May 15, 20232 min read
Ramon Gras Aloma, Aretian cofounder and Harvard Researcher presents at the Stockholm Smart City 2023
Ramon Gras Alomà, Aretian co-founder and Harvard researcher, presented Aretian’s research at the Stockholm Smart City Conference 2023

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Apr 12, 20232 min read
Aretian will publish a new City Science book analyzing global cities and urban design typologies
Aretian Urban Analytics and Design is working on a City Science book including the analysis of about a hundred cities worldwide...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Mar 30, 20233 min read
A vision for Barcelona's future: Aretian's Ramon Gras delivered a keynote speech at IESE
Ramon Gras Alomà, Aretian Urban Analytics and Design cofounder and Harvard researcher, delivered the Keynote speech at the IESE School...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Mar 9, 20231 min read
A vision for Barcelona's future: join Aretian's Ramon Gras for the City Science event at IESE
Ramon Gras, Aretian cofounder and Harvard researcher, will deliver the commencement speech of the IESE event on March 24th, register here!

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Jul 27, 20222 min read
Aretian publishes a new research paper on Urban Design Typologies and the 15-minute city (Elsevier)
The Aretian Urban Analytics and Design team recently published a scientific article titled “Geospatial analysis framework for evaluating...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Jul 6, 20222 min read
Aretian publishes a scientific paper on the multiplying effects of Innovation Districts via Springer
Aretian just published a new scientific article about the multiplying effects of Innovation Districts via the new Springer Nature book...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Mar 10, 20221 min read
Ramon Gras, Aretian co-founder, participated in an event on Urbanism organized by BBVA in Madrid
BBVA invited Ramon Gras Alomà, Aretian Urban Analytics and Design co-founder, to speak at the event and share Aretian's urbanism knowledge.

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Feb 24, 20222 min read
Ramon Gras, Aretian co-founder, interviewed by about Urbanism and its future
Ramon Gras Alomà, Aretian co-founder, was recently interviewed by the Collegi d'Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Catalunya on Urbanism

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Feb 10, 20222 min read
Aretian was added to The Atlas, a free online community for government leaders and institutions
Aretian’s first case study was recently published on The Atlas of Cities, Mexico’s Leading Tech Institution Develops 20 Year Campus Plan...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Nov 19, 20212 min read
Ramon Gras, Aretian co-founder, participated in the Reus Horitzo 32 Strategic Plan event last week
On the 12th of November, Ramon Gras Alomà, Aretian Urban Analytics and Design co-founder, participated in the Reus Horitzo 32 Strategic...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Nov 10, 20211 min read
Aretian was recently referenced in a paper by the European Commission on Geographies of Innovation
Aretian research was recently quoted in another scientific paper led by Fatime Hegyi (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission)...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Oct 6, 20212 min read
Ramon Gras of Aretian gave an interview to Barcelona Dema on the role of Innovation Districts
Ramon Gras Alomà was recently interviewed by the Barcelona Metropolitan Strategic Plan institution on the topic of Innovation Districts...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Sep 28, 20212 min read
Aretian research referenced in EU white paper by Fatime Barbara Hegyi analyzing Innovation Districts
Aretian Urban Analytics and Design’s publication “The Atlas of Innovation Districts, 2019” was recently cited as a research reference in...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Oct 30, 20202 min read
Aretian was recently mentioned in the second Chaire ETI Notebook, titled “Cities and AI”.
Aretian was recently mentioned in the Chaire ETI Notebook #2 titled “Cities and AI”, in the first part “The Living City”, next to Alex...

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Sep 4, 20202 min read
Aretian was recently mentioned in the white paper “Urban AI” written by Hubert Beroche, read it here
Aretian was recently mentioned in the white paper written by Hubert Beroche; “Urban AI”, alongside authors like Batty, Pentland and Hausmann

Gauthier de la VilleBaugé
Aug 14, 20202 min read
Aretian‘s Atlas of Innovation Districts was recently mentioned in the newspaper of CAATEEB!
An article recently published by the Col·legi d'Aparelladors, Arquitectes Tècnics i Enginyers d'Edificació de Barcelona mentions the Atlas!

Aug 7, 20191 min read
Atlas of Innovation Districts: The Full Report
The Aretian team is thrilled to announce the publication of its Atlas of Innovation Districts - Full Report!

Jul 29, 20195 min read
5 Lessons for Unleashing Economic Potential through Innovation
Until now, the mechanics of well-functioning innovation ecosystems have been poorly understood. A research team at Aretian is changing that.
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